Mukanova Aigul Kazhigalimovna
Head of Education Quality Monitoring and Assessment Department
Key functions of the Department:
- Organizing and holding regional, republican and international comparative researches in the field of education, analyzing their results and drawing up recommendations for the education system development of East Kazakhstan region;
- Knowledge quality monitoring (per term, semester and year) in terms of schools, subjects, classes, languages of instruction;
- Developing and updating tools for education quality assessment and monitoring, conducting a systemic and comparative analysis of the development of natural-mathematical and social-humanitarian education;
- Monitoring the 11th grade students’- Altyn belgi candidates’ preparation for the final certification and the UNT, preparing and implementing tools for conducting corrective measures;
- Methodical and methodological support of preparation for approbation and basic international studies of participants of educational institutions of the region, preparing analytical reviews following the results of regional, republican and international monitoring researches to assess the education quality PISA, TIMSS, ICILS, TALIS, PIAAC, organizing and conducting corrective measures following the results of the monitoring.
- Working with coordinators to assess the quality of education of district (city) education departments and regional educational institutions in order to improve the quality of knowledge of schoolchildren in the region involving experts of East Kazakhstan Center for Teaching Excellence;
- Performing organizational, technical and methodological functions on the development of test materials and implementation of the project “Automated diagnostics in subjects of general education curriculum”, monitoring the assessment of the quality of knowledge in digital format using Internet technologies;
- Organizing and conducting courses on teaching digital literacy of the population via the portal, within the framework of the Roadmap “Conducting training courses in basic digital skills for the population, personnel retraining, including obtaining public services electronically using the E-Government portal’s services”, as part of the Digital Kazakhstan State Program, information support of courses and monitoring in East Kazakhstan region;
- Methodological support of the development of guidelines on laboratory and practical works to fill in the digital content of the Virtual Laboratory in Chemistry, Biology and Physics from 7 to 11 grades;
- International cooperation and collaboration with universities within the framework of modernization of the system for monitoring students' knowledge quality;
- Preparing and conducting lessons in a digital format to mark the anniversary dates under the auspices of UNESCO with the participation of foreign partners for schoolchildren of the region.